Your chiropractor will most likely use one or more of the following treatments to manage your problem.
Chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is a procedure in which trained specialists use their hands to apply a controlled force to a joint. The therapeutic goal is to improve spinal range of motion and physical function.
Activator METHOD
The activator method utilises a small hand held instrument called an activator. The activator is applied to restricted joints to improve range of motion and restore function. This is a safe and non invasive alternative to diversified manipulation.
Drop table manipulation
This is a specific form of chiropractic adjustment, that uses levers and cushions which are able to be lifted and dropped as required. This is a safe and non invasive alternative to diversified manipulation.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a skilled intervention which uses a thin needle without any medication to treat pain and dysfunction caused my muscular problems. The needle is inserted into the skin and penetrates the muscle or myofasical trigger point, resulting in electrical and chemical changes that initiate healing.
FAKTR stands for Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab.
Faktr is an evidence-based soft-tissue system which uses a hand held tool to treat common disorders of the musculoskeletal system and complicated injuries with zero to mild discomfort.
Flexion Distraction
Flexion distraction is a gentle, non forceful adjustment procedure used to decompress and heal the spine naturally. Flexion distraction has been found to reduce disc pressure, widen the spinal canal, reduce pressure on spinal nerves and increase circulation.
MobiliSation Therapy
Mobilisation is a technique applied to a restricted area in which the joint is moved through the limit of available motion into tissue resistance.
Myofascial release therapy
A technique whereby the hands contact the body to relax muscles, increase blood flow and improve muscular mobility.
Kinesiology Therapy
Kinesiology tape (K-tape) is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process, without restricting movement in the applied area. K-tape supports and stabilizes joints and muscles and provides constant soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits achieved from having manual therapy.
Registered chiropractors and sports practitioners, providing professional and evidenced based treatment within a warm and caring environment.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: